
How All About Water works

Unique selling proposition

AAW provides a complete future scenario thanks to its holistic tools not available on other platforms. Our platform identifies areas where sustainable irrigation will increase agricultural productivity as the climate changes, and links those areas with Fintech tools based on ESG and irrigation water value indexes for insurance.

All About Water potential

AAW identifies areas where sustainable irrigation can increase agricultural productivity.


even with climate change

AAW determines the value of irrigation water and supplies parameters to maximize it.


AAW quantifies the savings in CO2 emissions obtained and converts them into carbon credits.

AAW forecasts the spread of fungi and parasites.

AAW creates fintech tools based on ESG and irrigation water value indexes, the latters designed to assess water reservoirs and hedge water risk in a Global Water Exchange.

Target market

16 millions hectares of new farmland each year
12 millions will need to be irrigated

With a Global Warming model of 3°C by 2099, providing the same amount of calories to a growing population,

by 2050, producers will have to double the amount of irrigated land. This will make specific and timely adaptation processes essential.

From 2010, investors interested in water management KPIs
have increased

